NOVATRON™ fusion reactor
Infinite clean energy through fusion power
After many years of research and billions of dollars, the elusive goal of harnessing the sun's atomic fusion process to create clean energy on earth is now much closer.
A clean, safe and abundant energy source
The 8 reasons
we need fusion power
It's no accident that both governments and the private sector are investing heavily in fusion energy research. The promise of an abundant clean energy source, able to supply the ever-growing energy demand of humanity, is an aspiration worthy of respect.
But time is running out. We cannot continue to rely solely on dirty fossil fuels or waste-generating nuclear fission power for our base-load power consumption. Renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, are important pieces of the energy puzzle, but they alone cannot yet provide the reliable always-on energy we require.
No carbon emissions
A fusion reaction doesn't produce any harmful CO₂ or other greenhouse gases. The only major by-product is helium which is an inert, non-toxic gas.
High energy efficiency
A fusion reaction generates about four million times more energy than fossil fuel and nearly four times the energy of nuclear fission (at equal mass).
Abundant fuel supply
Most fusion reactions require two elements: deuterium and tritium. Deuterium can be found in all forms of water, while tritium can be produced by the fusion reaction itself as neutrons interact with lithium. There's enough lithium on earth to last millions of years.
Fusion energy doesn't create any long-term radioactive waste and accompanying disposal problems. In case of a system malfunction, the fusion reaction stops immediately, and there is never any risk of catastrophic failure.
Production near consumption
The inherent safety of fusion power plants allows them to be nearer centers of consumption. This reduces energy transmission losses and increases flexibility in national grid planning.
Reliable base power
Fusion energy fulfills the requirements of reliable base power generation and protects the integrity of national power grids.
Energy security
The importance of national independent energy production has become an increasingly important factor to consider. Fusion power generation provides a large-scale baseline solution for sovereign nations.
Low cost
The cost of electricity generated by NOVATRON fusion power is hard to estimate. Still, our initial estimates point to an end-consumer price point of less than half of the price of conventional nuclear fission energy.
After 70 years of research and billions of dollars, the elusive goal of harnessing the sun's atomic fusion process to create clean energy on earth is now much closer.
The new innovative NOVATRON™ reactor design is a new solution for stable plasma confinement and a significant step towards fusion power generation. It provides a solution to one of the major problems inherent in previous and current reactor designs, and has the added benefit of being easy to commercialise and manufacture on a large scale.
The NOVATRON fusion reactor design is the work of Swedish innovator Jan Jäderberg and his team of brilliant physicists and engineers.
The NOVATRON concept appears to be the missing link.
Kenneth Fowler, Professor Emeritus
UC Berkeley, USA
How it all started…
Learn more about Novatron Fusion Group and why fusion energy is so important as a clean and powerful energy source.
Produced 2022 by Fudge Animation.
A new fusion reactor design
The NOVATRON™ reactor builds on many years of fusion research but is an entirely new idea on how to build a reactor that can create and control the magnetic field required to keep the super-hot plasma in place.
The design creates an inherently stable magnetic configuration, a significant achievement in fusion theory. The result is that the super-hot plasma strive to reach its inherently stable equilibrium in the center of the reactor, creating a stable process that can operate continuously.
In addition, the design of the NOVATRON reactor allows for easy refueling and removal of by-products from the fusion reaction.
Commercial energy production
Fusion power to the grid in the next decade
The goal is to produce abundant clean energy for humanity to thrive and reduce our reliance on harmful fossil fuel technology and eliminate the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions. With the NOVATRON™ reactor, we will add an important piece to the puzzle for how to do just that, and our goal is to have a working commercial fusion reactor during the next decade.
The NOVATRON reactor is a tremendous step forward in making fusion energy a reality, and it also provides a quicker way to generate commercial base load power to the grid.
High energy yield
For a fusion rector to be viable, it has to produce more energy than the energy required to initiate the fusion process. The NOVATRON has the potential to be a very efficient fusion reactor design with high fusion gain and energy yield.
Lower cost of energy
Although a very complex machine, the NOVATRON reactor design is significantly less complex than most other designs. This means that it's easier to manufacture, requires less maintenance and is more reliable than the alternatives. Together, this leads to a lower cost of energy.
Built on 70 years of research
Since the 1950s, significant advances have been made in fusion research and technology development. With the NOVATRON reactor design, we provide a stable solution for plasma confinement, the difficult final challenge of making fusion power a reality.
Jan Jäderberg, inventor of NOVATRON™.
Clean fusion power. Soon.
Many of the difficult challenges that hamper other solutions are not relevant to the NOVATRON reactor design. The lower design complexity leads to more straightforward engineering and lowers the technical risk. Our design can generate a magnetic field that fully stabilises the plasma, without complex and expensive compensation and stabilisation mechanisms.
We are on a mission to develop our design and prove to the world that we are finally closing in on cost-efficient fusion power generation.
Read more about our co-founder and inventor Jan Jäderberg.